Implant/Fixed Provisional Post-Operative Care

An implant has just been placed in your mouth. The implant is located in the bone, under the tissue and usually cannot be seen. The implant will remain submerged for a period of four to six months, depending upon your body’s healing properties and the type of implant placed. NEVER USE A WATER PIK NEAR YOUR IMPLANT IMMEDIATELY AFTER SURGERY. IT CAN CAUSE THE IMPLANT TO FAIL.

  1. If IV medication has been given to you, you are not allowed to drive a car or operate heavy machinery for 24 hours following. It is advised to have someone with you during that time period, or until your sedation completely wears off.
  2. 2 weeks following your surgery, you will need to have your sutures removed and be examined by the doctor.
  3. Your provisional is screwed into place; please keep it in your mouth. Do not pull on prosthesis.
  4. NO SMOKING at all. You cannot be around anyone who does smoke for three days. Smoke nicotine and heat slow down your healing time and can cause the implant(s) to fail.
  5. NO ALCOHOL to drink for 30 hours after your surgery. We also advise not to use rinses with alcohol in it until the sutures are removed, as it will dry out the tissues and prevent healing.
  6. Rinse with a saltwater solution 3-4 times daily for two weeks after surgery- ½ teaspoon to a 6- ounce glass of warm water. Be very gentle when doing so-hold at that side of your mouth and tilt your head side to side vs. swishing. Lean over sink and let the water fall out. Do not spit.
  7. Use the ultrasoft Post-Op toothbrush on the sutures within 24 hours after surgery, 3 to 4 times a day for two weeks. You need to keep sutures clean (no white stuff on sutures) doing this properly will help stimulate the tissue, promoting tissue to heal. It will not harm the sutures in any way. You can also dip the brush into the saltwater solution.
  8. Antibiotics: IV sedated patients have received an antibiotic through the IV line. You may be given a follow up antibiotic to take. You will start that antibiotic the day after surgery in the morning. If an antibiotic has been prescribed for you today, it is extremely important that it is taken until gone. Please follow prescriptions given to you prior and after your surgery. Should you develop hives, rash, itching, or difficulty breathing, PLEASE STOP THE MEDICATION AND CALL OUR OFFICE, YOUR DOCTOR, AND GO TO THE NEAREST EMERGENCY ROOM.
  9. Probiotics: If you have been prescribed an antibiotic, please consider taking an over-the-counter probiotic supplement. The probiotic will provide more friendly bacteria present in the gut, the lower the chance of developing digestive issues like diarrhea. Three strains of probiotics in particular, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium lactis  have been shown to do this. They can safely be taken at exactly the same time as antibiotic medication. Yogurt is another option for probiotics. However, keep in mind that not all yogurt contains live probiotics. In some cases, the live bacteria have been killed during processing. For this reason, make sure to choose yogurt with active or live cultures. Also, always read the label on yogurt before you buy it and look for the Lactobacillus strain. The recommended dosage is as follows for either the probiotic supplement or yogurt:
  10. Take one probiotic capsule daily with breakfast, with your antibiotic medication and until the antibiotic course is finished, and for one week after.
  11. Eat one tablespoon of yogurt each time you take your antibiotic tablet.
  12. A certain amount of pain is to be expected with all types of surgery. A pain medication has been prescribed for you, take as directed. It is advised that you do not drive or operate heavy machinery while taking the medications.
  13. Motrin/Ibuprofen/Advil– these are all the same type of medication. Please take 600mg every 4-6 hours following your surgery for three days. This type of medication is not only for pain, but is an anti-inflammatory as well, which will help with swelling. If you are not able to take this type of medication, take Tylenol extra strength 500mg every 4-6 hours for three days.
  14. Some swelling is to be expected and possible bruising may occur, and it is not unusual. In most cases, swelling can be prevented or controlled. Please use an ICE PACK-applied to the outside of your face on the side surgery was performed for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off following your procedure. It is best to use the ice pack for 24-48 hours following your surgery. If after three days you still have swelling or pain, please call our office. If URGENT and it is after hours, call our office and a doctor will provide you with help. If not, please leave a message and we will return your call promptly.
  15. You will experience a small amount of bleeding and this is normal. If it is excessive (blood filling your entire mouth within seconds) please call our office.
  17. Diet: soft cold things are okay right away such as:
  18. Jell-O, pudding, yogurt, milkshake, ice cream, frosty, Carnation breakfast or Ensure.
  19. Nothing hot the day of surgery, but you may have warm and soft food such as, mashed potatoes, eggs, soup, broth, soft noodles. Avoid chewing on the implant site until the doctor or staff informs you that it is okay to do so. You may have other foods following that are more normal, although it is up to what you personally can tolerate, just no chips, nuts, or anything sharp or chewy like gum, or hard bread.

Additional Instructions:

If you have been given a prescription for a Medrol Dose Pack , please take it as follows not in the manner in which it reads on the package Please take all the pills for the first day in one dose as early in the morning as possible and do the same with each daily dose there after until gone. If given a refill please do not get it filled unless you have been instructed too by the office.

If you have any questions, please contact our office. 614-885-1215 or

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