When do Dentists Recommend Single Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an ever-evolving dental technology. Today there are a wide variety of dental implants available. In fact, a dentist in Columbus can replace all the teeth on a patient’s upper or lower jaw with a type of tooth replacement procedure known as an All-on-X. Sometimes, though, a dentist may recommend a single implant instead of another tooth replacement option, such as a dental bridge or a partial denture.

About Dental Implants in Columbus

A dental implant is a permanent tooth replacement. More specifically, it is a permanent replacement for the tooth’s root.  

Like a natural tooth, a dental implant has two main components:

  • The root that holds it firmly in the jawbone
  • The crown, which is the white part of the tooth that appears above the gumline

Why Would a Dentist Recommend Single Dental Implants?

If you are one of the 120 million Americans who are missing one or more teeth, your dentist may recommend a single dental implant instead of a dental bridge. While a dental bridge looks, feels, and functions like a natural tooth, it doesn’t provide the benefits of a single dental implant. A dentist may recommend a single dental implant because of these benefits.

To restore the cosmetic appeal of your smile

Nothing can ruin the appearance of your smile like a missing tooth. A single implant permanently replaces a missing tooth and restores the appearance of your smile.

To create a natural appearance

Many dentists recommend single dental implants because implants look like natural teeth – only better. Unlike partial dentures and bridges that may have visible parts, dental implants look just like your “real” teeth.  

When a patient has a healthy smile

A dentist may recommend a single implant when a patient is missing just one tooth and is not likely to lose the rest of their teeth any time soon. In cases in which patients have severe gum disease or tooth decay that will lead to the loss of more teeth, a dentist may recommend multiple implants or even plan for an All-on-X.  

For patients who want to eat their favorite foods

Partial dentures and bridges can make it difficult to eat certain foods, such as nuts, candies, and even some crunchy vegetables. A single dental implant is strong enough to withstand the forces needed to bite and chew almost all foods.  

To preserve bone health and protect your remaining teeth

Strong bone tissue holds the teeth firmly in your jaw. Believe it or not, teeth return the favor by keeping your jawbone strong. Here’s how:

  • Biting and chewing puts pressure on the crowns of your teeth
  • This pressure travels down the tooth into the root and then into the jaw
  • Once in the jaw, the pressure stimulates the production of new bone tissue
  • Because it is stronger, the new bone tissue does a better job of holding your teeth in place

When you lose a tooth, you also lose the stimulation that causes the growth of new bone. Without this stimulation, you begin to lose tissue in your jawbone – and when your jawbone loses tissue, it loses its strength and its ability to hold your teeth in place. In other words, the loss of one tooth can lead to the loss of others.

Some dentists recommend bone grafting prior to getting a dental implant to make the jawbone as strong as possible. Bone grafting involves fusing bone from somewhere else (or synthetic bone) in the body to the jawbone. This procedure adds density to the jawbone so that it can provide better support to the dental implant.  

To preserve the shape of a patient’s face

Your teeth and jawbone help define the shape of your face. The loss of a tooth and bone density can make your jawbone smaller, and this can change the overall shape of your face.  

When a patient wants easy care

Partial dentures and dental crowns require special toothbrushes, floss threaders, and other tools. Taking care of dental implants is as easy as caring for your natural teeth – simply brush and floss as usual for a great-looking, healthy smile.  

Where Can I Find Dental Implants Near Me?

Oral Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry (OIRD) offers single dental implants in Lewis Center, Ohio. We specialize in dental implants and all forms of reconstructive dentistry to restore your smile. The dentists at OIRD use the most advanced technology available to create your dental implants. Browse our complete smile menu or call 614-885-1215 to schedule a consultation.

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