

Dental fillings are often the best way to repair a tooth damaged by injury or decay. A filling can strengthen a tooth and prevent bacteria from getting into a tooth’s roots. At Oral Implants & Reconstructive Dentistry, we use durable, tooth-colored fillings to repair damage and beautifully strengthen teeth.

What Are Dental Fillings?

A dental filling is a tooth-colored material we use to repair a damaged or decayed tooth. Generally, these treatments are quick and cost-efficient. When a tooth is damaged internally, it loses some of its integrity. By removing the damaged material and filling the cavity with a composite resin, we can restore its strength and stability.

Fillings are also very effective at keeping out food debris and bacteria. If a tooth has a deep crack or hole, a filling can act as a shield and protect it from infection. With a dental filling, we can protect your tooth while restoring its natural strength and appearance.

What Types of Fillings Are There?

There are several types of fillings on the market, such as porcelain fillings, metal fillings, and composite fillings. At Oral Implants & Reconstructive Dentistry, we have found that composite fillings are the most effective and cost-efficient option for our patients.

Composite fillings are made of tooth-colored resin. Because this resin is applied like a putty, we can easily adjust its color to match your natural teeth. They are easy to apply and harden quickly. With this option, you can be in and out of our office in as little as one hour. These fillings are also less expensive than other materials, so you can enjoy quality tooth repair without breaking the bank.

What is the Procedure?

To begin, Dr. Heller or Dr. DiDonato will need to remove any damaged or decayed material from your tooth. They will use a local anesthetic to numb the area, so you will not feel any discomfort during your procedure. After your tooth has been cleaned and sanitized, they will fill the space with a composite filling. Your dentist will shape the material to match the look and feel of your natural teeth.

Once the filling is in place, Dr. Heller or Dr. DiDonato will harden it with an LED curing light. They will make a few final adjustments to ensure everything feels and looks natural. If you experience any discomfort or find it difficult to eat normally, please call our office so we can make any necessary corrections. Depending on the damage, your procedure should only take about one hour.

How Do I Care for My Filling?

Unfortunately, it is sometimes possible for your tooth to become infected again after a filling procedure. To avoid this, it is important to maintain a good oral hygiene routine and take proper care of your new filling.

Continue to brush and floss every day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. To avoid breaking or cracking your filling, do not chew on hard substances like ice, and do not use your teeth as tools. Because fillings can become discolored over time, try to avoid eating or drinking too many darkly-colored foods and drinks.

If you would like to learn more about dental fillings, please call our office at 614-885-1215. We would be happy to answer any of your questions or schedule a consultation.

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